Well, I have been channeling the power of manifesting, the law of attraction.
Here is what I always thought:
The law of attraction is that whatever you want, eventually will come to you. Whatever you give you will receive ten fold.
Here is what I learned:
Attraction is only about thought. If you come from a place of grateful thinking, then you will attract abundance. If you come from a place where you are wanting what you don't have, you become miserable.
I can give all I want, but it won't give me anything.
I can want all things with all of my willpower, but if I am longing for things I don't have, guess what, I won't get anything, and will in fact block receiving at all.
It gets scarcer and scarcer, until you stop longing. Because as you are longing, you are unable to notice the grace of God, the real gift, which is that you are alive, and you are getting a chance to raise your vibration, which is what this whole life is all about.
So fatal attraction is what longing is all about. And attraction is all about gratefulness.
If I am grateful for my jeans, then I am more likely to be able to look for jeans like that.
If I think a good thought, then I am more likely to remember what it feels like to be happy, and then I will be able to think another good thought.
Good thoughts lead to unfolding future possibilities. Fear thoughts diminish all possibilities.
Open the door. Release the possibilities. Then the universe becomes your best friend.
I am learning this right now.
I am also learning that talking things out, writing things out, really helps to clarify what I already know in my head.
I am dreaming of making this a spiritual blog. That thought makes me feel good.
I enjoy being able to take the most precious time in life and really be able to expand that to take up most of my life, and to continually let my life take a natural turn. I have learned and have been learning so much, but have been so afraid to speak up. Now I am excited to say that I want to communicate my thoughts.
I will share my thoughts be it general or spiritual. It may be difficult for me to open up to my feelings. But I am able to heal and grow through blogging.
Work life right now is a little bit too out of element for me. I need to integrate more and more into a seamless routine. I want to be doing what I love at every moment, and I always feel best when I am being natural.
Playing cards, writing, painting, gardening, reading books, investing, and thinking about the universe is all I love, and learning to be with people, and to make friends, that is a struggle.
This blog is now about learning to grow and to overcome pain with spirituality.
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